Free Market Is Lost

Workers dignity Trashed  with Free Market reserved for only a few to enjoy. 

Millions have lost their jobs and businesses. Local, value added economies and the 

Free Enterprise System is upside down

The American Dream is Burning 
We really have only one major party in the USA. It should be called  the Globalist Free Traders party. Both major parties in the US are Globalists minded. They use free trade economics  as a tool with big money creating a new "ism" that came upon us
unannounced. They found a way to make money no matter what by manipulating the value of workers and labor down to the lowest levels possible everywhere in the world. It has evolved into centralization, federalism and a new kind of colonialism with nations finding they must protect their interests that are spread across the globe.  The new "ism"  of Globalism is at play where all "isms" are mixed for the the sake of investments and profits. The value of workers and labor has been degraded and delfated. This represents trillions of dollars in value lost forever for the sake of a few.
We do not need any conspiracy theories to know free trade economics has been driven by powerful and even sinister forces outside the will of the people. Free trade is about divorcing investments from production and moving production anywhere in the world for the sake of cheaper labor and more profits for a chosen few. The real free market has been lost . The free enterprise system has been smashed .
It comes down to this... Lech Walesa, founder of Solidarity, says - I do not know that much about business or economics but I do know that when ten percent of the population controls 100 percent of the wealth, something is very wrong. Pope John Paul, said workers are not tools of Capitalism. Pope Benedict suggests the practice of Subsidiary where all decisions should be made at the lowest level possible. In economics, the best way to recyle local economies is by having local economies not a global one.  Pope Leo's in Rerum Novarum , says It is shameful to use men as things for gains. Henry Ford said, Workers should be partners in business. President Roosevelt said economic diseases are highly communicable. Teddy Roosevelt said, the main threat  to America is corrupt  businesses tied to corrupt politicians.  Now big money interests control governments no matter who is president.  And how can anything be free when governments act as brokers and dealers in a global economic arena. 
We are now living off the suffering of others and we have mortgaged our children and grandchildren in the process.... President Obama in 2008 had to bail out free trade economics by mortgaging the future even more. 
No matter what's right or what's left, the bottom line is this. There are at least a billion people in the world who are ready to work for
practically nothing. It is race to the bottom. The U.S. chopped up its economy and dispersed it across the globe. This created a new kind of colonialism with our country having to protect its interests in far away places. We have unjust wars and military intervention across the world. The wars have become barbaric. 
We are doing what the Romans did who also outsourced and in-sourced
workers. And there was a time in Rome when it was better to be slave than a freeman. It seems the same circumstances are upon us now.
The U.S. Federal Government sponsored the moving of production outside of the U.S. starting in 1956. It was the same year international money became globalized when the Suez crisis in Egypt exposed a worldwide money crisis. This "temporary" program never ended. It evolved into the maquiladora factory program in Mexico where we used and still do impoverished workers to make the things we use and eat. By 1992, more than 2000 U.S. factories have been moved to Mexico alone. All presidents since have been taken part in all of this. The elder President Bush was the first president in modern times to use the phrase the New World Order. He designed free trade as the tool. President Clinton followed him and consummated Pres Bush the 1st free trade program. In 1993-94, Speaker of the House ,Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole joins hands with Pres Clinton in the passage of free trade. Even Rush Limbaugh at the height of his power did too. After free trade was passed, the number of factories moved to Mexico quickly doubled to more than 4,000. Pres Bush the 2nd came and hid our economic mess behind his unjust "shock and awe" wars. Pres. Obama followed and took up the cause. He even passed free trade agreements while the Occupy Wall Street protests were going on. At more than one international money conference, he again announced the New World Order. He also makes war a more personal matter with secret interventions and the killing of leaders of nations. He continues to grow the new working poor class.
This is not the time to debate about who's right and who's left. Our economy based on making money on money has burned out. We have put tariffs on future generations. Our economy is a balloon with patches over patches ready to explode. The Republicans are now the war party and the Pres Obama has married big money to big government. It is a new "comboism"  and State Capitalism is really Fascism. The three Republican Candidates are standing the wings to take over.
( As an advocate for workers dignity, fair play and local value added economies, I have been online since 1998. I now have thousands of resources and references on the worldwide web. Search under, tapart news, ray tapajna pages, tapsearcher or
arklineart. ) 
See especially , , See
also and where I explore the latent response of religion and philosophy to the global
economic arena. I review Pope Benedict's economic encyclical at 
I mix my art that talks with published letters and articles. Search under the title of my most popular artwork - Clinton Years American
Dream Reversed  or Double Talk from the land of is - and you will find millions of results and reference
Teddy Roosevelt said - the main threat to America is corrupt business tied to corrupt politicians. This is what we have now..